In the coming days be wise who you talk to and share with, keep your wits about you, you will need My discernment more than ever, learn now to hear My voice, there are enemies of your soul, so subtle, be careful, be wise. I am with you Children of My love and I will protect you with My wisdom, know that I am with you until I come and take you home.

Be wise, be strong, things are unfolding, don’t be led astray by false teaching, know Me while there is time, time is short, the enemy will bring distractions, time is of the essence, there will come a time when time will be no more. No fear, be not afraid for I walk with you, ahead of you, you are ready but I say again be wise, be strong, endure, life as you know it is about to change, change must happen for My kingdom to come.

Pray while there is still time for many to come into My kingdom the harvest is ripe, labourers of mine, be the one for many and your rewards will be great it’s not a time for slumbering, be alert, be wise, be strong, endure to the end and you will see Me face to face, for I am here with you, I am in the midst of you, that is My promise to you, be not afraid

Isaiah 41:10

10 Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’