I am who I say I am, the great I am the true God Almighty the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, creator of all, hear Me as I now speak.

Oh nations of the earth, mighty as you think you are, you are nothing before Me, before My great power and authority you who are puffed up with pride, with malignity, with wisdom of the world, all inhabitants both great and small will bow down to Me. They will know and see Me for who I am, the great I am, the true and living God. I cannot be mocked, indeed I am sovereign over all.

My ecclesia is rising they have been prepared and they are coming, soon to be unleashed upon the face of the earth to bring My justice, My order, they are My faithful representatives who shine brightly of My love, My wisdom, My power, I am with them and they are Mine. Together the great and final harvest will be collected, great numbers of souls will be reaped from the face of the earth.

Woe to all who are yet without bended knee, whose faces are not turned to Me whose hearts and minds are not turned to Me, who are yet uncovered and naked before Me, I am coming soon like a thief in the night. Bend the knee, know Me as your loving Father I long to be known by and to you, I am not distant I am with you even now, choose Me oh wayward soul, let Me delight in you, spend time with you, the coming days need not be calamity if only you would choose Me, your loving Father your King of Kings your Creator.

How I have waited with great patience for mankind, My precious pearls, My children, with great patience and long-suffering yet with each tear shed for you I’ve likewise collected yours even as you did not know Me. I’ve been with you through your highs and your lows, watched on as a loving Father, presenting opportunity for you to know Me, to understand Me through My creation, through My children.

Know I have never and will never leave you nor forsake you, My children, My chosen ones, the victory has been won, your eternity is secured in the blood of my Son, Jesus on the cross who paid the blood sacrifice once, for all. Believe, repent of your sins and you will be saved.

Time is short, choose Me today, your loving Father, the Saviour of your souls.

when I was given “with great patience and long-suffering yet with each tear shed for you I’ve likewise collected yours even as you did not know Me” I began to cry tears of grief as the words were imparted from the Father’s heart to my own.